High in the hills, among the last remnants of Hollywood's golden age, Tod, 24, and his sister Lani, 22, live a breezy and charmed life in the sprawling mansion of their grandmother Judy, a former movie star now relegated to hosting a dying home s



别名: meiguochongwu

类型: 惊悚,恐怖

导演: 罗伯特·洛格瓦尔


上映时间: 2018-08-14

发行地区: 美国



入库时间: 2022-04-03 14:47:46

剧情简介:High in the hills, among the last remnants of Hollywood's golden age, Tod, 24, and his sister Lani, 22, live a breezy and charmed life in the sprawling mansion of their grandmother Judy, a former movie star now relegated to hosting a dying home shopping show. Tod's carefree and narcissistic existence takes a dark turn when he accidentally (perhaps) shoots Judy, killing her instantly. Desperate to maintain his decadent lifestyle, Tod hatches a diabolical plan to cover-up his Grandma's death, keep her show rolling, and keep the money flowing. After seducing Barb, Judy's producer, Tod convinces her to allow Lani to host the show in Judy's "absence." The ploy works, and the ratings go up. Tod kicks his cover-up into high gear - he turns his attention to Jacob (25), the mansion's handyman, who also happens to be his sister's boy toy. Jacob is the one person that can help Tod put the finishing touches on his evil opus. Surviving a long string of close shaves, Tod manages to outwit everyone,...



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